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A beautiful collaboration between artist, Bel Gilbert Scott and myself.  Born from a shared passion of threading the natural environment with art and mindful practices.  The residencies are about slowing down and rediscovering connection, the result is an immersive exploration of creativity and community that's deeply embedded in the beauty of nature.  Dates for 2024 coming soon.  Sign up to my newsletter to stay in the loop.

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We greet the day with a gentle yoga class of mindful movements and setting intentions for the day.


The morning session opens with a very gentle yoga and meditation session, which flows into a mindful painting practice where we immerse ourselves in some quietude and introspection by playing with the colours of the chakra system.


After choosing our space in which to paint, Bel lends her expertise as a gentle and enthusiastic guide.  She recognises that painting can be a vulnerable process where perfectionism can hijack our creativity! Worry not, Bel being a natural and experienced teacher works with great compassionate encouragement to slowly build confidence and quiet the inner critic.


Lunch is a colourful gathering where we reconvene to share our experience of the morning session and feast on delicious food.  We ask folk to bring a dish of their choosing as a contribution to lunch, this has proven very successful as much creativity and recipes are shared.  Please keep ingredients as local as possible with minimal packaging.


Happily nourished and batteries recharged we open up the afternoon space to continue our painting.  Some may take weeks to complete a painting, others have produced several in one day, there is no right or wrong, the invitation is to work at your own pace.


The culmination of the day is a gathering where we share our creations and talk through our process.  It's a very special part of the day as it offers a tangible result of how coming together as a group has coloured our energy.


These are memorable weekends that will stay with you, new friends are made and most importantly you find the friend in yourself that we sometimes lose sight of.


Kath Gallagher

A huge thanks to all the initiators and organisers. 

It was so good to be outdoors with everyone and painting in a very relaxing internal and external space thanks to Katie’s chakra yoga and to your wonderful home and setting Bel. And great having your expert eye and tips and feedback on us all too. 




Susie Taylor

Completely loved it, from the drive out, the initial explore of spaces, the  grounding yoga in the field, to the drawing and painting up in midgy birch and cabin land, the sumptuous lunch, my snooze on the grass, to the coming together for a show and share and crit.  Great Day.
Thank you Kate and Bel and MA for organising it, and to Bel for hosting us in your special and magical home and garden.


Anna Bennett

 I so enjoyed and appreciated doing yoga with you, in a chair and in a beautiful field. It was special and particularly with our band of sisterly women.  The warmest fun and creative of times with loved friends.

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